Lewis Ministries International is committed to serving as the GPS for the global Church.
The world may know GPS as the global positioning system, but GPS actually stands for God's Positioning System.
Global Vision
Lewis Ministries International is a Global Apostolic Hub of Hope. Acts 2:42-43
Global Mission
Equip & Mobilize the Saints as a Resource Center
Our Local Vision
Identity transformation
Equip to prophesy and flow in the five-fold ministry
Serving the community
Discipling families

Awaken. Align. Activate.
Core Values
God makes a man before manifesting a mighty ministry.
Man – apart from position, message, or ministry.
Per-son-al-ity evaluating the person, not performance.
Jesus – manhood 30 years; ministry 3 1⁄2 years, 10 to 1 ratio
No offense to ministry; I Cor. 2:4, 5 power and demonstration.
By their fruits you shall know them – anointing, results.
Prophecies or preaching productive: proven, pure, positive.'
Speak the truth in love, present truth, and life-giving.
Message balanced, scriptural, doctrinally sound & spiritually right.
God confirms His Word – not the person, pride, or reputation.
Attitude right; mature in human relations; heavenly wisdom.
Fruit of Spirit, Christ-like character, dependable, steadfast.
Not childish, Eph 4:14, Heb 5:14, Biblically knowledgeable and Mature.
Not a novice.
Scripturally in order. Personal family vs. Godly family.
Priorities straight – Go first, wife, and family, the ministry.
Marriage exemplifies the relationship between Christ and His Church.
Rigidly righteous, ethical, honest, integrity – upright.
Not manipulating or deceptive.
Good end results do not justify unscriptural methods.
Unselfish, polite, kind, gentlemen or lady, discreet.
Proper speech and communication in words and mannerisms.
Craving wealth and resorting to ignoble and dishonest methods of getting it.
Love of money and materialism destroys. (i.e. Achan, Balaam, Judas)
Virtuous, pure, and proper relations.
Biblical sexual purity in attitude & action.
Wrong thoughts of desire to do without the opportunity to act.
To serve or to be seen? Fulfill personal drive or God’s desire? I Cor 16:15,16
True motivation? To minister or be heard ministering? To herald the truth or just to be heard by man?
Motivated by God’s love or lust for power, fame, name, etc?